The Home page opens every time you sign in to TestFirst Desktop or Web app. You can also access it by clicking on Home in the left menu panel.
Here you can find your Work Queue, Exploratory Tests and Feedback.
Work Queue
If you don’t have anything in your work queue, it will be empty with a placeholder image informing you of that. If you have tests assigned to you or incomplete tests, they will be visible here.
There are three parts of the Work Queue which are only visible if there are any items in them. Those parts are represented by:
tests executed by you in Incomplete status,
tests assigned to you in Untested status,
tests assigned to you in Retest status.
Each part is represented by its own table in the following format:
Each column contains the respective information on the test, and the ACTION column content can vary depending on whether you are using the desktop or the web app:
TestFirst Desktop
In TestFirst Desktop, the ACTION column contains a START TEST EXECUTION button which starts the execution of the test for the assigned tests and tests in Retest status, or resumes it for the tests in Incomplete status.
TestFirst Web
In the TestFirst web app, the ACTION column contains a START TEST EXECUTION IN APP button which starts the execution of the test for the assigned tests and tests in Retest status, or resumes it for the tests in Incomplete status. The test execution starts in the desktop app.
Currently test execution is only available in the TestFirst desktop app which can only be installed on a Windows machine. |
Exploratory Tests
TestFirst Desktop
This section contains the unfinished exploratory test sessions (ETS). It is represented by a table in the following format:
Each column contains the respective information on the ETS, and the ACTION column contains two buttons: RESUME SESSION which resumes the ETS and ABORT which aborts and deletes the ETS.
You can provide feedback by clicking on the FEEDBACK button. The Feedback window will open.
In order to send your feedback, follow the steps below:
Select one of the options for feedback type:
Improvement - if you think one of the existing features could work better, you can suggest improvements to it,
Feature Request - if you think a feature that would be useful to you is missing, you can suggest adding it,
Bug - if there is a bug in the application behavior or you received an unexpected error.
Type the description of your suggestion or the problem you encountered in the Describe Your Feedback field (required).
Add attachments if necessary by clicking the ADD FILE button. If you decide the file you attached is not necessary or want to attach a different one instead, you can remove files by selecting the file you want to remove and clicking the REMOVE button.
Once you’ve filled in all the information you were planning to, click SEND.
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