Where can I find the prices for TestFirst subscription?
Currently, TestFirst test management tool is completely free. We do not charge for the subscription, for any number of organizations, with any number of users.
Later in 2024, we will introduce a subscription system. The base application will remain free but have limited functionality.
Do you have a Mac or Linux version of the desktop app?
Not at the moment. However, we do plan to introduce them. In the meantime, we have a web application that contains most of the functionality provided by the desktop app.
Why do I get an error when I left-click on an external URL in a test case view in the Jira app?
This is a limitation Jira applies to the app. You can right-click on the URL and open it in a new tab.
If I deleted a node in Test Case Library, would any related Test Plans be affected?
No. Deleting any node in the Test Case Library would not affect any existing Test Plans, Tests or Test Results containing this node or any child nodes of it.
What do I do if I forgot my password?
Click on Forgot Password? link in the application's login window or on the website login page, and follow the instructions. Read more about it here.
I received "Failed to launch TestFirst app" error when I clicked on Login on TestFirst website
You may receive this error if you have not yet installed the TestFirst desktop app. Please download the latest installer by visiting https://www.testfirst.com/download/latest and try again. If the issue persists, please create a support request with the reproducible steps.
How do I log in to the TestFirst Jira app with the user that was signed up using Google?
Google authentication is not supported in the Jira app. If the user you are trying to log in with was signed up using Google authentication, you will need to set up a password for the account using My Profile page in the desktop app or the web app.
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