Currently, this feature is only available in the TestFirst Desktop App. |
The user must have the Create/Edit permission for Test Case. Depending on the structure of the test cases to be imported the user might need other permissions, specifically the Create/Edit permission for other Test Case Library nodes. See Roles and Permissions for more details. |
You can import test cases in a file with comma separated values. In order to do that:
- Click on Test Case Management in the left menu panel. Test Case Management page will be displayed.
- Click on the IMPORT TEST CASES button. The Import from CSV wizard will appear displaying the Getting Started step.
- Click NEXT to move on to the next step. Download template wizard step will be displayed.
- Click on the Download link if you need to download the template. Import Template article will be opened in your browser. In the article, you can find the instructions on how to fill in the template, as well as the .csv template attached to the article.
- Click NEXT in the wizard. Prepare the source file wizard step will be displayed. Fill it in with your data following the instructions provided in the article.
- Click NEXT. File and Settings wizard step will be displayed.
- Select the import file and fill in the necessary details:
- CSV Delimiter. Typically, it could be a comma or a semicolon, based on the regional settings of your Windows machine. You can find instructions on how to check which one is used by your system here.
- File Encoding. Set to Unicode (UTF-8) by default. You can check which encoding is used while saving the file. Most text editors, including Notepad, will have the current encoding picked while saving the file.
The file size has to be below 5 MB. |
- Click NEXT. Map Columns and Values step of the wizard will be displayed.
If the file is open in another application, you might see a "The file is locked by another application" dialog. Make sure you close the file before proceeding to the next step. |
- In this step, the left part (columns of the CSV file) need to be mapped to the respective TestFirst test case fields. Map the fields by selecting the CSV columns from the dropdown on the left and mapping them to the respective test case fields on the right. For some types of fields, like dropdown fields, you might have to set up the value mapping as well in the expanded bottom section of the dialog.
The columns with the names matching the test case fields will be automatically mapped. |
You can click LIVE PREVIEW if you want to preview what the test cases will look like as you map the fields. This will expand the window to contain a preview area on the right from the mapping. |
- Once you're done mapping the fields, click NEXT. Preview step of the wizard will be displayed.
- In this step, you can review the import summary. That includes the number of new projects, suites, sections, subsections and test cases being imported. It will also notify you if any of the test cases in the import file failed the validation.
You can also preview the Test Case Library structure (new projects will have a green NEW bubble next to them, the projects with new items will have a green bubble with the new items count).
- Once you've reviewed the summary, click START IMPORT. Import from CSV step with a progress bar will be displayed.
- Once the import done, Successfully finished step will be displayed. Below the progress bar you will be able to see the basic summary of the export with the number of the successfully imported test cases and the number of failed ones. For the failed test cases you will also see the reason for failure and have an option to retry import for them. You can also download an import report by clicking the SAVE IMPORT REPORT file.
- When you're done, exit the import wizard by clicking the FINISH button. The wizard will be closed and the Test Case Library will be refreshed to include the newly imported test cases.
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