A test execution report's structure can have slight differences depending on its format. Below you will find information about the structure of both PDF and CSV reports.
PDF Test Execution Report
In the report, you will find the following information:
Project for which the report was created.
The first and last name of the user who created the report, as well as the creation date.
Test plan status (Open or Closed) and test plan closure date (if any).
A pie chart of the test plan's test statuses, with the colors representing the following statuses:
Green - passed,
Red - failed,
Gray - untested,
Yellow - retest,
Blue - incomplete,
Dark gray - blocked.
The breakdown of the test plan under the Details title. The information is represented by a set of tables split by hierarchy levels in the form of Project/Suite/Section/Subsection. Each table contains the following information, based on the parameters selected during report creation:
- ID - the ID of the test/test result in the test plan represented by an alphanumeric value, with the numeric ID prefaced by T, e.g.: T123
- Title - the title of the test. Next to the title is a link icon. By clicking on it, you can open the test in TestFirst.
- Status - the status of the test at the time of the report creation. Can be one of:
- Untested
- Passed
- Failed
- Blocked
- Retest
- Incomplete
- Issues linked - the URLs to the issues linked to the test execution
- ID - the ID of the test/test result in the test plan represented by an alphanumeric value, with the numeric ID prefaced by:
- T for tests, e.g.: T123
- TR for test results, e.g.: TR123
- Title - the title of the test/test result. Next to the title is a link icon. By clicking on it, you can open the test/test result in TestFirst.
- Status - the status of the test/test result at the time of the report creation. Can be one of:
- Untested
- Passed
- Failed
- Blocked
- Retest
- Incomplete
- Test result added on - the timestamp of the test result creation
- Test result added by - the first and last names of the user who added the test result
- Test result elapsed time - the elapsed time of the test execution
- Issues linked - the links to the issues linked to the test execution
CSV Test Execution Report
A CSV report contains all the same information as the PDF report but in a slightly different layout. It is represented by a table with a header. The header contains the following information:
- Project for which the report was created.
- The first and last name of the user who created the report, as well as the creation date.
- Test plan status (Open or Closed) and test plan closure date (if any).
The table contains the following information based on the parameters selected during the report creation:
- Test ID - the ID of the test in the test plan
- Test Title - the title of the test
- Test URL - the URL of the test for opening it in TestFirst
- Project - the Project under which the test is located in the Test Case Library
- Suite - the Suite under which the test is located in the Test Case Library
- Section - the Section under which the test is located in the Test Case Library
- Subsection - the Subsection under which the test is located in the Test Case Library
- Status - the status of the test at the moment of the report creation. Can be one of:
- Untested
- Passed
- Failed
- Blocked
- Retest
- Incomplete
- Number of test results - the total number of test results associated with the test
- Test ID - the ID of the test in the test plan
- Test Title - the title of the test
- Test URL - the URL of the test for opening it in TestFirst
- Project - the Project under which the test is located in the Test Case Library
- Suite - the Suite under which the test is located in the Test Case Library
- Section - the Section under which the test is located in the Test Case Library
- Subsection - the Subsection under which the test is located in the Test Case Library
- Status - the status of the test at the moment of the report creation. Can be one of:
- Untested
- Passed
- Failed
- Blocked
- Retest
- Incomplete
- Number of test results - the total number of test results associated with the test
- Test result ID - the ID of the test result
- Test result status - the status of the test result
- Test result added on - the timestamp of the test result creation
- Test result added by - the first and last name of the user who added the test result
- Test result elapsed time - the elapsed time of the test execution
- Test result URL - the URL of the test result for opening it in TestFirst
- Issues linked - the URLs linked to the test execution
- Failure summary - the failure summary for a test result with Failed status
- Failure details - the detailed description of the failure for a test with Failed status
When you select the "include all test results associated with a test" option, each test result will be displayed on a new line, and the test information will be duplicated on each test result line. This is done for ease of the data analysis. |
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